Friday, November 03, 2006

Different Styles of Learning Other Languages

Different Styles of Learning Other Languages

We shall discuss the most popular styles of learning which should be selected by foreign language learners according to their abilities and preferences. These styles are: language analyzing and research; language detailed cramming; language imitation; vital conversations with native speakers involvement; language vocabulary cramming; language difficulties conquering and language remembering.

Language analyzing and research is very long-term learning process which consumes much thinking and reading. For example, language analyzers may concentrate on comparing their native language with the language learnt to define the similarities and differences. They would make numerous tables and schemes to demonstrate their research and analysis. Next, they would start learning language from similar or different points comparing with native language. The only advantage of this style is that you see the other language in the root which helps you comprehend foreign language as the whole and integral system.

Language crammers would never speak aloud because they concentrate on grammar tiny details and differences, such as prepositions, pronunciation etc. But they would never have a chance to demonstrate their brilliant knowledge of such tiny details because they would always be afraid of being ashamed in their imperfect knowledge of grammar or something else. The only advantage of this style is that you should learn how to use language correctly.
Language imitators are learners who would not prefer sitting at routine and boring study. They try to find foreign language fun and easy. The most popular way of language imitative learning is repeating foreign phrases and sentences simply without thinking. It is the easiest way of learning: you just turn on your tape recorder and repeat what foreign speakers are talking about. The only advantage of this style is that you are involved in foreign environment subconsciously and would not lose yourself even if you did not understand anything you hear.

Vital conversations are very effective way to remember new vocabulary. Moreover, you can choose the vocabulary which would be most useful for you and remember just needful words. Usually vital learners would find native speakers and make them friends in order to communicate with them in areas of their interest. You will learn foreign vocabulary very quickly. Such active learners would never be ashamed in their lack of knowledge. However, there is a little possibility to learn language correctly.

Foreign vocabulary crammers adore making lists of unknown words and remember them all the time. They use various word games and concentrate on vocabulary so that they would forget about grammar. Moreover, they would never start speaking – the more words they learn the less confidence in language comprehension they would have. The only advantage of this style is that you can perceive the language vocabulary even much better than native speakers do!

Language conquers would be eager to divide their learning into different tasks they have to perform. They would find various difficulties in foreign language and rush to conquer the difficulties. They view learning foreign language as the war game where you should find your enemy and fight it. Playing games are very useful as it makes learning process funny. However, you would lose the priorities.

Language remembers would strive to remember foreign language from their childhood and schooling. Their style of learning is ‘I knew this some time ago, let me remember it.’ The good question to be asked to them is: Are you confident you remember correct things?

All of the styles mentioned above have their own unique advantages and the foreign language perfect learner should combine all of them to be proud of his knowledge of foreign language.

By: Sharon White
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