Friday, September 22, 2006

What's Up With Foreign Language Immersion Programs?

What's Up With Foreign Language Immersion Programs? by

Do you know why children are able to learn to speak at such an early age? It's because they have no choice. They are surrounded by people who are speaking to them and to others around them, and the natural ability to start speaking that language just kicks in. That process is called "Foreign Language Immersion", and the concept has revolutionized the way that adults are learning to speak a second language as well.

The principal of foreign language immersion is simple. If you take someone who does not speak a particular foreign language, and you place them into an environment where everyone they encounter does speak that particular foreign language, the person has no choice but to become a fluent speaker. Plus, not only does the student learn the language faster, but he or she learns the actual dialects of everyday conversation, rather than straight "textbook" foreign language skills, and they also pick up a true native accent in the process.

That's why Foreign Language Immersion Programs are rapidly becoming the fastest and easiest way to learn a foreign language such as Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Russian, or Spanish.

And that's why foreign language immersion agencies, like the company Language Skills Abroad that operates a web site at, are becoming so popular among people who want to become throughly fluent in a foreign language in the shortest time possible.

These companies like Language Skills Abroad have relationships with the finest overseas language schools. They not only know which foreign language schools are the best, but they actually know the people who run them. This saves the student hundreds of hours that would ordinarily be spent researching the various foreign language schools, plus it helps them avoid picking one that might not be reputable or might fail to meet their needs.

And that just the beginning of what companies like Language Skills Abroad do. Because the student actually lives in the foreign country while they are studying the language, Language Skills Abroad assists the student with all of the travel, passport and student visa details, as well as helping them find appropriate living accommodations.

So, whether a student wants to rent their own apartment, share living quarters with other foreign language students, or even be placed with a family living in that foreign country for even more immersion opportunities, Language Skills Abroad gets it all done.

If you, or someone you know, have always wanted to learn a foreign language, then looking into the opportunity to participate in a foreign language immersion program should be high on the priority list. It's a unique, fun and exciting way to master a foreign language with the end result of speaking it like a local.

You can find out more about how the foreign language immersion program works, and get a good idea of whether or not it's a good way for you to learn a foreign language, by visiting Language Skills Abroad at They've got all of the details posted right on their web site.
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